To the editor:
“No man is above the law.” True, and no man or woman should be targeted because of their fame or fortune or character, Hollywood-style; labeled a criminal because they had an affair or kept government documents. Let’s face it, from the beginning of time and throughout our history, presidents have had affairs and destroyed government documents, and nothing was done to them.
Addiction is an illness. The seller of the gun should be on trial, not the president’s son. He did not commit a crime knowingly and the gun was thrown away, end of story.
Former President Donald J. Trump is a wealthy businessman trusting his lawyers to handle his affairs. It’s not a crime to have an affair. If it were, how many of us would be in jail? He’s not a politician really and he did not destroy government documents.
As for Karen Read, that case should be made into a movie. Why doesn’t the autopsy show how he died? All this drama!
Josephine Russo