To the editor:
Every holy moment in our lives, as well as every evil act we commit, is a personal decision. What matters most when we act is whether that act is moral or immoral.
The problem is, we’ve bought into three very destructive philosophies that have replaced truth in our lives. The first philosophy is individualism, which is the lie that we’re the only standard for our lives. The second philosophy is secularism, which can be summarized in three words: God is unnecessary. The third philosophy is relativism. This happens when we’re told that there are no absolutes — what’s true for you may not be true for me.
Once we encounter truth — God’s truth — we’ll recognize two key features of it every time we see it. It’s universal. It applies to everyone. If it doesn’t apply to everyone, it’s not truth. It’s an opinion. It’s unchanging. It won’t be moved by fads or fashions.
Abortion was wrong 2,000 years ago, it’s wrong today, and it will be wrong 4,000 years from now. Our personal decisions matter immensely.
John J. Kwiatek