LYNN — Six of the City’s parks are undergoing upgrades as part of a $19.5 million investment through American Rescue Plan Act funding.
Those receiving upgrades are Lynn Woods, Keaney Park, Gallagher Park, Breed Park, Kiley Park and McManus Park.
Lisa Nerich, who serves as Associate Commissioner for the Department of Public Works and Director of the Parks and Recreation Department, said she was particularly excited to announce the design for McManus Park, which was pending approval of the Department of Environmental Protection, has now been finalized and will be receiving “a substantial renovation” with all new fields, scoreboards, lights and site furnishings. The expected completion date for construction is May 2025.
Keaney Park, Kiley Park and Gallagher Park, currently in the works, will receive new playground equipment and park furnishings such as benches, picnic tables and trash receptacles, Nerich said.
Renovations to Kiley Park and Gallagher Park are expected to be completed in December, while improvements made to Keaney Park are expected to be completed by March 2025.
An irrigation system will also be implemented in the field of Keaney Park and a walking path will be created. Use of the new field is expected to begin in the spring of 2025.
A brand new playground next to the Lynn Woods field is also almost ready for the public, with the expected completion set for Sept. 20.