SAUGUS — Town Hall had new flowers and landscaping done.
Cesar’s Irrigation Landscape and Construction, Inc. helped to bring vibrancy to the outside of town hall, planting a wide variety of flowers, such as marigolds, mums, asters and celosias.
In addition to the planting work, the company also helped with the maintenance of other greenery at town hall, mulching, edging and cutting the lawn, and trimming down bushes.
The company has assumed responsibility for the management and maintenance of town hall’s landscaping in late spring, additionally helping to maintain the grounds at the public library and the Saugus Center rotary, and made improvements to the David C. Penney Memorial Landing.
In a release, Town Manager Scott Crabtree said he is pleased with the improvements to the lawn at Town Hall.
“We’ve received a lot of compliments about the beautification at Town Hall with our new landscaper,” Crabtree said in the release. “People are telling us the Town Hall grounds haven’t looked this good in years. It’s nice to showcase this incredible community asset in the center of town.”