To the editor:
New U.S. Census poverty data confirms that SNAP is essential to reducing hunger in America. The 2023 Census poverty data released in September shows that the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) kept 3.4 million people – many of them children – from poverty last year.
SNAP provides food assistance to nearly 40 million Americans per month. Most recipients are working families with children, elderly persons, and people with disabilities.
If a program works, why would Congress want to cut it? Some leaders are pushing $30 billion in new SNAP benefit cuts and restrictions on the foods SNAP recipients can buy. These policies will help no one except callous lawmakers looking to score political points. But they will hurt many by increasing hunger, poverty, and hardship.
SNAP is the last line of defense against hunger in this country. I urge lawmakers and candidates to publicly support SNAP and work to protect and strengthen it in the next Farm Bill.
William Deignan