To the editor:
Tuberculosis (TB), often thought of as a disease of the past, is still one of the world’s deadliest killers. In 2021, 1.6 million died from TB, making it the most lethal infectious disease after COVID-19.
But we can end TB once and for all. It’s not the know-how that is stopping us, but the political will to make it happen. That’s why the House needs to pass the End Tuberculosis Now Act as soon as possible. The Senate has passed the bill, and now the House must do the same. This bill would require the U.S. to prioritize TB resources to areas around the world most affected by the disease and set up processes and measures to track success. This will get us on track to seeing a world free of TB sooner rather than never.
TB anywhere is a threat everywhere. The U.S. must lead the fight to stop this deadly but preventable disease. I urge our representatives to follow the Senate’s lead and pass the End Tuberculosis Now Act as soon as possible.
Bill Deignan