SAUGUS — last month’s pre-Christmas snowstorm has begged the question: Is it the town’s job to clean the snow off the sidewalks?
The higher-than-expected snowfall created a worst-case scenario. Sidewalks received multiple coatings that piled up overnight while temperatures remained low, leading to the snow sticking around for a few days. And Facebook was where residents expressed their dissatisfaction.
“I think it’s horrible that the sidewalks are not clear of snow or ice. This is not safe for people in motorized wheelchairs or regular wheelchairs — Mothers with babies in carriages and small children. A lot of people are walking on the roads, which is concerning and unsafe. This is sad and frustrating,” poster Shirleyann Merrill said.
Another poster said that both of her children use power chairs, and when the sidewalks aren’t maintained and cleared, it’s very difficult for them to get around, especially her son, who enjoys going around town.
It was suggested that those who wish to make a change in how the sidewalks are handled approach the Board of Selectmen and Town Manager during a meeting.
The Department of Public Works (DPW) provides the service of snow plowing and ice control on major streets and sidewalks; however, in Massachusetts, many towns and cities leave it to the property owners to clear sidewalks in front of houses.
The hope from many residents is that certain areas are maintained and made accessible for those who cannot walk.