To the editor:
Kristen Elworthy and Jenny Sheehan have taken out nomination papers to run for re-election to the Lynnfield School Committee. I can share my experience having worked with both of them for the past ten months.
Both Kristen and Jenny are completely dedicated to working with the administration, teachers, and staff to achieve educational excellence for all of our students, and have been instrumental in helping our district make real progress.
Since joining the School Committee, they have both demonstrated that they hold the priorities that have traditionally been the hallmark of the Lynnfield Schools. Their focus has been on student achievement and school culture. Evidence for this began with their advocating for the Superintendent’s goals that center on curriculum, instruction, and citizenship. Already, since their election last April, the Committee has heard presentations from the Mathematics and English Language Arts departments and will have more presentations reviewing the selection process for a new elementary math curriculum. This process for identifying and implementing curriculum is now transparent, efficient, and thoughtful, and includes teacher input, research, and piloting. This “best practice” approach gives the professionals in the classroom a voice when developing curriculum.
Kristen, working as chair, and Jenny, working on the policy subcommittee, have focused on matters that impact learning in the classroom. Since their addition, the School Committee passed a much-needed new dress code, updated an over twenty-year-old class size policy, and set a new policy to remove phones and smartwatches from classrooms. According to principals and staff, the removal of phones and smartwatches has had a positive impact on school culture and student learning. The “School Improvement Plans” approved this year by the Committee contain initiatives that will improve our schools, beginning with the creation of school-based “student and family handbooks.” These documents, which are being created with parent and staff input, are guides that will describe the mission, vision, and practices for each school.
Additionally, Kristen and Jenny, both business owners, serve on the School Committee’s budget subcommittee.
We are fortunate to have Kristen Elworthy and Jenny Sheehan, whose educational priorities and drive have been a major reason for the progress made by the Committee for students since April.
Jim Dillon