To the editor:
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria is one of the most astonishing success stories in saving lives. Since its inception two decades ago, health programs supported by the Global Fund have saved 65 million lives.
Last year, 25 million people accessed antiretroviral therapy for HIV, 7.1 million people were treated for tuberculosis, and 227 million mosquito nets were distributed to prevent malaria. These record high numbers demonstrate the incredible efforts of the Global Fund partnership to address global health inequities and to ensure people aren’t dying of preventable diseases.
The Global Fund relies on investments from countries around the world to meet its mission and goals. In 2025, the Global Fund is due for its next replenishment. The U.S. must lead the way. A bold pledge by the U.S. to the Global Fund will inspire other countries and set us on a path to rid the world of these deadly diseases.
I urge the Trump Administration and our members of Congress to set and follow through on a bold, 3-year pledge to the Global Fund in 2025.
William Deignan