SWAMPSCOTT — The Capital Improvement Committee met Thursday afternoon to discuss ways of improving the Swampscott Veterans Memorial Fieldhouse on Humphrey Street.
“This is not a building that’s been invested in heavily,” Director of Facilities Max Kasper said. “But there’s a lot of issues around the building, such as the exterior, the roof, issues with masonry and windows, as well as inside the building.”
Kasper noted while the committee has done work to address urgent needs for the project, the site has not been given enough focus in the past. “This isn’t a large-scale renovation of the fieldhouse, this is just keeping it functional,” Kasper said. “But it needs a handful of smaller capital items.”

Kasper noted that the committee has allocated $150,000 from the FY26 budget to fund the project’s execution phase. “This isn’t forecasting a large project there, it’s really highlighting smaller capital items like the roof and addressing windows, and the exterior,” he said.
“This is just a building that hasn’t had a lot of attention, and it needs some work to keep it up to an acceptable level,” he said. “So, I don’t look at this like a possible return on investment. Instead, I see it as a responsibility to keep our buildings and facilities acceptable, and the fieldhouse is teetering on the edge of being at an unacceptable level.”
“This has been necessary for quite some time now,” committee member Jeremiah Sullivan said. “I remember this being on our calendar probably since I’ve been involved with this committee. Whether roof, windows, I feel like we keep kicking the can.” He reiterated the need to properly maintain the site.