To the editor:
I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Jenny Sheehan’s re-election to the school committee.
Last year, when I advocated for allergy reform in our schools, Jenny’s dedication and thoroughness were unparalleled. Despite our personal friendship, she approached the issue with professionalism. She conducted her own research, consulted with school nurses, spoke with both elementary principals and legal counsel, and connected with over a dozen other allergy-parents. She explored surrounding districts’ policies and uncovered valuable insights that I hadn’t even considered– all while working tirelessly to give me status updates every step of the way. In the end, a change to the policy was made that has had a very positive impact on my child directly. Yet, even if no change had happened, I could have rested easier knowing that a thorough, fair, and collaborative process had been followed.
I’m continually baffled by Jenny’s ability to “do it all” – running three businesses, serving as Bethlehem Preschool PTO president, sitting on the SSS PTO executive board, volunteering in the classroom, and being a Mom of three young learners. A reminder to the community that this is a VOLUNTEER position, one that comes with intense scrutiny, and – recently it seems – a lot of noise. I hope we can show our children that we can move through tough times respectfully. I believe Jenny rises above it all with steadfast beliefs and resolution-focused goals, and remains focused on what truly matters: our children.
Our schools need leaders like Jenny, who are not afraid to do the work. I hope you’ll join me in voting for her re-election.
To better, brighter, and kinder days ahead…
Ashley Staab