I read some time ago on a post from social media that millennials treat their plants as pets and their pets as babies. Well, after successfully taking care of my houseplants for years, it was definitely time to take on some new responsibilities.
My wife Casey and I had wanted a dog ever since we moved in together eight years ago, but our previous apartments had strict “no dog” policies. While that was disheartening, we knew that the right opportunity would present itself and we would eventually become pawrents.

We moved into a new apartment in September, and our wish was finally ready to come true! We were allowed a dog under 50 lbs., and once we decided we were settled in, we would start to look at pups to adopt.
At the beginning of November, we were ready to have a little fur baby in our life. We signed up with Sweet Paws Rescue and were put in touch with a wonderful adoption coordinator who would help us find the right dog. We were reminded that finding the right dog could take weeks, or even months, but we knew we were ready.
Two weeks after being approved, our coordinator told us she thought she had the “perfect dog for us.” We clicked open a link to reveal “Stevie,” an 11-month-old, 22lb, hound-mix with a dark black coat and a white star on her chest. We knew right then that this was OUR dog.
I fell in love with her the moment she “army crawled” over to us during our meet-and-greet, and from that moment on, I was now a girl dog dad.
Pick-up day came, and she rode in the back seat with me all the way from Groveland to Salem. Welcoming Kodak (we’re both photographers, so this was an obvious choice for us) into our home is something I’ll never forget—the way she sniffed around the apartment and immediately knew where her bed was. She lay down, and we tucked her in with her blanket and watched her fully relax and start to snooze. I remember looking up at my wife, both of our hearts clearly melting from how adorable this little girl was.

We’ve had her for more than a month now, and it’s fascinating to me how quickly I adapted to this new dog dad lifestyle. I used to be the kind of person that would sleep until the last possible second I could, roll out of bed, throw some clothes on, and head out the door. Now, I’m up at 7:15 every morning, and despite the cold, which I despise, I’m taking Kodak out to go potty and then on her morning walk.
Being a girl dog dad also means I’m concerned about every little thing that’s happening in her life. Constantly, I find myself thinking, “Where’s the dog?,” “Is she eating the right amount of food?,” “Was that a healthy number two?,” the list goes on and on. But as she gets more comfortable with us, I find myself worrying just a little bit less.

It’s been incredible being there for all of her “firsts.” From living on the side of a highway in Mississippi, chilly New England was definitely a change for her. We got to watch her race around the backyard during her first snowstorm. She loves the snow now and won’t miss an opportunity to grab a couple of mouthfuls on our walks or potty breaks. Her first time seeing the ocean and staring at the sea birds was unforgettable. Everything is new to her, and it’s so fun watching her find her place in this new world.
And I have to give a huge shoutout to my wife. She works from home with Kodak every day and is the one pulling the bulk of the weight when it comes to training and dealing with a sometimes crazy dog. Don’t get me wrong, I train with Kodak as well, but Casey is really doing a great job with it while I’m out at work. And despite all the work and time Kodak spends with Casey, she is still my little shadow when I come home. “I don’t love her less because she loves you more,” Casey will often say when we’re sitting on the couch and Kodak decides to snuggle into me instead of her.

Having Kodak has really changed my life. I come home every day to a wiggling blur of a dog, and I’m smothered in kisses from her. No bad day could ever stay bad once I’ve come home and gotten to hang out with her. Adopting her is one of the best things my wife and I have ever done, and anyone who wants to follow along with her life can find her on TikTok @a.kodak.moment.