To the editor:
Congress is in session and President Trump is back in power. We know one of their first priorities is to enact new tax cuts for the wealthy. But it’s those working hard and playing by the rules who need the help.
Expanding the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) would give families and workers in low-wage jobs a much-needed financial boost. Instead of padding financial portfolios, the CTC and EITC help people afford groceries, rent, and childcare. Every time Congress has expanded these credits, poverty has dropped.
Making Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos richer won’t lift one person from poverty. But expanding tax credits for workers and families will help millions. I urge our representatives and senators to expand the CTC and EITC for people with low-incomes in tax legislation this year.
William Deignan