SAUGUS — Michael Hashem, Superintendent of Saugus Public Schools, was evaluated by the School Committee on Wednesday.
“It’s tough to evaluate someone that we haven’t given goals to. Us as a committee did not give you goals this year because we followed district goals,” Vice Chair Thomas Whittredge said. He continued that goals would be given to Hashem in the future.
Chairman Vincent Serino was absent from the meeting, so Whittredge read off his evaluations for him. The first category on his list was professional practice goals, which he labeled as having significant progress. He marked student learning goals as some progress and district improvement goals as significant progress.
The grading continued with instructional leadership receiving a proficient, management and operations a needs improvement, family and community engagement received a proficient, with professional culture also getting a proficient. He also received a proficient overall rating in leadership.
Serino overall gave Hashem a score of proficent with a comment stating, “Mike has made gains in personal and district improvements.” He also stated that Hashem has done a great job bringing the district together.
“You stepped into this position at a time when the School Committee couldn’t really comment on a lot of things, and you really just took the baton and ran with it,” school committee member Ryan Fisher said. “So, I just want to thank you for that.”
Fisher primarily gave Hashem proficient scores. However, in family and community engagement, he gave Hashem a score of exemplary.
“I feel like the level of communication to families has really improved… also to the School Committee,” Fisher added. “I hear from you all of the time…I feel really informed by you.”
He continued that Hashem has made improvements, embraced the curriculum and made a positive impact on the school with his leadership.
“By doing this evaluation it has made me realize what I should be holding not only Mr. Hashem accountable for but myself as well,” Stephanie Mastrocola said.
She stated that she would like to see the results of the curriculum that the school has invested in and emphasized that this did not just fall on Hashem. She also said that she wishes there would be more meetings on the subject.
“For example, when a student is having a hard time, how are we helping them? Are we helping them? Do we have the resources to help them? And if so, we need to discuss this in more detail,” Mastrocola said.
She said that Hashem has always been attentive when students reach out. She also believes that Hashem’s budget requests are reasonable, but more concrete evidence needs to be provided when the budget season comes.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you, Mr. Hashem and I do believe going forward, we can accomplish many great things,” she added. “Thank you for all you do for this community.”
Committee member John Hatch agreed that due to there not being any goals set, it wasn’t fair to focus on that.
“I, like most of the committee, did not give Mr. Hashem anything under proficient,” Hatch said. “I think it’s very difficult to judge Mr. Hashem’s performance in this way because of the way he came into this district.”
He continued that the district had been at a point where teachers were searching for other jobs, and students didn’t feel safe.
“The climate and culture in less than two years at the middle high complex is, in my opinion, 180 degrees different than it was,” he said.
He added that Hashem’s steadfast support of his staff and the new curriculum are part of all of the changes that have been made.
“I do want to give you more credit for stabilizing this district when it was a very, very tough time, and you did that almost overnight,” Hatch said.
Whittredge said that he felt the same way as everyone else. However, before he returned to the committee, he was on the fence.
“You really changed my mind. I see that you made some big moves…no other superintendent even came close to making these kinds of moves. You did it knowing that it’s what’s best for the district,” Whittredge said.