To the editor:
I am writing to express my support for the proposed Dog Park to be located at Stocker Playground. As a youngster growing up in the area with many other neighborhood children, Stocker Playground was one of the best places to walk to and play.
During the early fifties, the playground was just an endless large field with a beautiful gazebo right in the middle. When the sun was too hot, the gazebo provided shelter and Ms. Fran Williams, a ‘camp’ counselor gave us crayons and paper, taught us how to draw flowers, told us funny little stories and always made us feel so special – it was a wonderful time.
When reviewing the Notice of Intent for the proposed dog park, I was amazed to realize that Rich Williams, of Williams and Sparages, is the engineering firm hired by the Town to draft the Notice of Intent for the proposed dog park! How ironic, as Rich is the grandson of Fran Williams and whose dad, Richard (Doc), and his brother Bruce, were two of the playmates at the field all those years ago!
I have confidence that state, federal and local officials, the Saugus Conservation Commission, and especially the Williams family, who cherished this park. will approve a final agreement that will restore this often-neglected area into a multi-purpose playground for all to enjoy.
Thank you,
Janice Jarosz