SWAMPSCOTT — S.U.R.E. (Swampscott Unites, Respects Embraces) Diversity is encouraging the community to gather at Swampscott High School on Feb. 25 for its Black History Celebration event.
The celebration kicks off from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Featured during the event will be displays by a number of different entities and organizations, including the Lynn Museum, Swampscott Police, Swampscott METCO Program, and Justice for All.
S.U.R.E. described the celebration as “A family-friendly festival with food, student performances, art and music,” according to the organization’s flyer.
Along with displays by numerous organizations, the Swampscott Historical Commission will be displaying some of its work connected to Black History in Swampscott. The celebration will also have a panel discussion and poetry reading by award-winning poet Enzo Silon Surin.
S.U.R.E Diversity was formed back in 2016 as a volunteer community group that aims to encourage, educate and collaborate in building a more welcoming, respectful and inclusive community for the town of Swampscott, according to the mission statement on its website.
According to Chair of S.U.R.E. Keli Khatib, she noted that after the organization holds its Black History celebration event, it’s also aiming at hosting future “conversations” in an event that combines both communities of Lynn and Swampscott.