To the editor:
In response to Janice K. Jarosz’s recent letter, I want to clarify the mission of the Save Stocker Playground movement and address the misconceptions presented. Our goal has always been to honor the intent of Frederick Stocker’s generous gift to the town: to provide a dedicated space for children’s recreation. With the ongoing legal review of the deed’s intent in Massachusetts Land Court, we remain committed to ensuring that Stocker Playground serves its rightful purpose, just as we believe Frederick Stocker intended – not as a dog park for a select few, but as a revitalized space for children and families.
Contrary to recent claims, we are not advocating for neglect or disuse. In fact, we fully support improvements to the playground – just not its repurposing into a dog park. Should we achieve a successful resolution that upholds Stocker Playground’s original purpose, we plan to celebrate the Stocker family’s contribution with a “Frederick Stocker Day.” This event would honor the historic gift made to the children of Saugus, as well as the families and friends who cherish this space, while encouraging future investment in the playground’s revitalization.
To be clear: we are not anti-dog park. We support a well-placed dog park that works for everyone – just not at Stocker Playground, where it directly contradicts the intent behind this donated land. Open spaces in Saugus are limited, and we should be working together to ensure improvements benefit the entire community, not just a select group.
Stocker Playground deserves better. So does our town.
I am also CC’ing several community members who share in the effort to preserve Stocker Playground as a space for children and families, and who support the ongoing work to protect this cherished space for future generations.
Mark V. Sacco Jr.