To the editor:
Yes folks, it’s happening right before our eyes!
Trump’s hatchet man Elon Musk does not have a clue on what he’s doing to this country.
He has these 25-year-old Silicon Valley Muppets auditing government agencies, and are just spinning a wheel and where ever it lands that is how many people are fired, destroying peoples lives while he and some members of our so-called Congress sit back and now are afraid to hold town hall meetings.
You people, (GOP) I thought you were bad two weeks ago, but you will go down as the biggest stain in American history!
Tax breaks for who? Surely not for the middle class or the poor, why not pay down the national debt, which stands a little under $33 trillion. The last Trump Administration contributed $3 trillion to that number.
Now there are tariffs because the administration has accused countries of ripping us off, instead of just throwing a dart and seeing what number comes up, how about discussing the issues like gentlemen instead of screaming out loud. I am sure everyone can come to an agreement that it benefits all.
What happened to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) during Trump’s first term in office, according to him, that was a great deal!
You are really sticking it to Canada where it hurts, it’s people, our neighbor Canada owns 31% of agriculture land in the U.S.
China, sure they really benefited with the trade imbalance, that is because when the president at that time notified Congress, what happened?
Anyone recalls when China was given permanent most favored nation status?
I do, I recall seeing it on TV, all the Chinese people in the streets jumping up and down. It reduced the duties paid at a very low number, on Dec. 11, 2001, China became its 143 3rd member of the World Trade Organization (WHO).
So do not blame China, as U.S. MFG. all raced to do business and moved companies to China.
China also subsidizes companies, yes, this is a disadvantage, but we knew this.
Reducing government cost?
Ronald Reagan set up a commission to root out waste, however, the national debt almost doubled in his two terms.
Bill Clinton announced that “the era of big government is over.”
Al Gore was given the task of reinventing government, he did manage to privatize some agencies, which workers were paid less doing the same jobs as Government employees.
Take the defense department when Donald Rumsfeld (Rummy) as George W. Bush would call him ” Rummy, ” pledged to transform the military.
I recall reading in his book when he entreated the Pentagon, he said, Who are all these people working here? He then was told they had 10,000 lawyers working for the Pentagon in different locations.
Well, after nine months, he admitted defeat, then threw in the towel.
Yes, there is fraud, waste, but not to the extent of the Musk task force,
(aka) The Muppets. There will be a time when you are going to hit bedrock.
The America first just might come to fruition, it was announced that 30 European, including some from Asian countries, will be putting together a plan to help Ukraine’s security, oh, you guessed it, the U.S. is not a part of that group.
We are slowly isolating ourselves from our friends and allies, the message we are sending is, we will no longer be considered trustworthy.
Lastly, if the democrats in Congress call for a vote on taking away the President’s power to enact these tariffs, and put it in the hands of Congress, will the republicans even show up, or will they find a way around it not to cast their vote? Any bets?
As for the Washington D.C. circus, the American People have no use for your Clown, Dog & Pony show, please make room for the republicans who are under the spell of this administration, as they well may go down as the worst bunch of clowns in U.S. history!
P.S. Elon, why don’t you get aboard the next SpaceX flight and see where you may set up your next circus show.
L. Robert Nadeau