LYNNFIELD — Department of Public Works (DPW) Deputy Director and Lead Engineer John Tomasz will be leaving after eight years with the town following his decision to retire a few days ago.
Tomasz served as the DPW director from 2016 until he stepped down in June of last year into his most recent role, and the current director, John Scenna, took over.
Before starting his career in Lynnfield, Tomasz served as DPW director in Salem from 2012 to 2016, in Hamilton from 2008 to 2012, and in Rockport from 1998 to 2008.
“In summary, I’m going to be 67 on Sunday. I still have my health, and my mind still works relatively well,” Tomasz said. “There’s a point where it’s like, how much longer do you really want to go and how much more time do I have left to enjoy life?”
In his eight years with the town, Tomasz finished large projects such as the Jordan Park renovation, the Summer Street and Huckleberry Hill additions, and the King Rail Reserve Golf Course clubhouse.
“I’m a civil engineer. I became a civil engineer because I wanted to build things, and I’ve been fortunate in my career that I’ve been involved in building things,” he said. “There’s also the other aspect of the pressure of getting it done on time and under budget, and trying to meet the demands of everyone that has their fingers on a project.”
“John has been one of the most incredible DPW directors I’ve ever worked with. If you look at his career, he managed Rockport, which is a summer capital. Salem, he managed Halloween there. Then finished his career here in Lynnfield,” Town Administrator Rob Dolan said. “I’m very happy that he’s reached this point, and I hope he has a long and enjoyable retirement.”
Tomasz’s position is fully funded for Fiscal Year 2026 and he will stay with the department for another few months to help with the transition while the town looks for a new deputy director and lead engineer.
“That’s exactly how John is; it’s not like he just picks up and goes. He’s going to be here, and he’ll be able to assist so that come July, we will be regrouped and ready to roll,” Scenna said.
Speaking to Tomasz’s character and work ethic, Scenna remembered how the department was able to finish projects even under the extremely difficult circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Those are all difficult, challenging situations. And when you’re in those situations with colleagues, you find ways to fight through them together,” he said. “I think John did that with me, and because of that, it’s going to be different without him. But, you work all your life to get to the point where you can make that decision, and I wish John all the luck now moving forward.”
“I’ll tell you one thing, it’s the residents. From the town administrator to the Select Board, I’ve worked with some wonderful people in town on boards and off boards,” Tomasz said. “If it wasn’t for them, I never would’ve lasted till 67. I would have been gone probably two or three years ago. It’s been a really good town to work in. I’m very, very fortunate.”