SWAMPSCOTT — The town held a Special Town Meeting on Wednesday evening to discuss the ongoing uncertainty of the VFW Post 1240.
The warrant discussed by the community and public officials sought to revoke the authority previously granted to the Select Board to sell or lease property located at 10 New Ocean St. and 12-24 Pine St. After a heated and lengthy discussion, Town Meeting members voted 104-114 with the motion failing.
The community gathered in the auditorium at Swampscott Elementary School for the discussion.
“At the 2023 annual Town Meeting, we were told the project would include veterans affordable housing and the VFW post,” Katie Arrington, Finance Committee member said. “We were told support would bring life and vision to affordable housing and a new post.”
Nelson Leon, commander of VFW 1240, spoke before the crowd. “I, like many of you, don’t wish to be here tonight. I have to be here to ask for your help so that the Select Board lives up to their promise,” Leon said. “The Select Board gave their word that the project would include affordable housing and a VFW post; your word is your bond.”
“This is our home, and we literally and figuratively cannot afford to lose it,” Leon said.
It was the opinion of the Town Council that if the town or Select Board sought to terminate the LDA at this point, the developer would have rights under the terms of the LDA to seek damages against the town as well as attorney fees. Because the Select Board exercised its rights granted by Town Meeting to proceed with the signing of LDA, it’s essentially too late to revoke authority.
Select Board Chair MaryEllen Fletcher spoke. “Tonight, the board voted 3-2 to not support the warrant article for numerous reasons,” she said.
Fletcher said that based on the opinion of the Town Council, the town does not have the authority to rescind the authority given to the Select Board, as it is a binding contract.
“The majority of the select board asks you to vote no,” Fletcher said.
“Tonight, our veterans are asking us to stand by the promises the Select Board made to them,” Select Board member David Grishman said. “A no vote leaves this project in limbo. A yes vote sends an unmistakable message that Town Meeting wants the Select Board and developer to get back to the meeting table.”
Wayne Spritz commented on the matter. “This is not something that I think any of us feel great about, not a fight we want to have. It’s not a question of we love our veterans,” he said.
Spritz continued, “The goal has been to provide as much info as possible. It’s a legal argument, it’s also an emotional argument…but at the end of the day is it about extension of authority or is it something else?”
“I don’t think anyone feels great that the latest proposal deciding to relocate the post. No one’s looking to kill the post. I don’t want to destroy this project. I don’t feel in my gut that there’s another option to do this,” Spritz said.
Patrick Burke, prior commander of the VFW Post spoke. “ I have deep roots in this town and appreciate people showing up in support of veterans. Town leaders said that we’ll have a home…To my veterans, I thought we could trust our town leaders. It’s very disheartening to me. Other groups should remember this. They made a promise to us,” Burke said.
Charlie Patsios said, “I don’t think I’ve heard any clarity on what the developer said to us. They presented a post being built on the property. That’s what we asked for. It seems the developer has now done something like a bait and switch. I don’t like it.
Peter Spellios also spoke. “I was in the rooms when it happened. First, I want to commend those who stand up to Town Meeting,” he said. “It’s not perfect. But we did a lot. And it all came through you,” Spellios said.
Spellios asked if any of the 25 Select Board executive sessions discussing Pine Street had been released, and it was determined that none of the executive sessions had been released.
“The Select Board says they’re telling you everything, but they haven’t released the minutes. They’re not telling you everything.”
Due to the meeting running until press time, please visit www.itemlive.com to read further into the story.