To the editor:
The “GOP”
The initials synonymous with the Republican Party — “GOP” — stand for “Grand Old Party” and the “Gallant Old Party.”
Recent actions by the party have earned it a new moniker: “The Gutless Old Party.”
Let us get something straight. You all were hoodwinked. There is no such thing as the “Department of Government Efficiency.” Only Congress has the power to fund a new department. I wish the news media would stop using this term! The old saying goes, if you say it enough times, people pretend to believe it.
Who is Musk to dictate what is to be shut down or eliminated? This man was not born in this country; furthermore, he overstayed his student visa while attending the University of Pennsylvania and was in the country illegally. At first, he denied it, then decided to come clean.
The president can say, “Well, Elon was responsible, I gave him the authority.” Remember during the last campaign, “I did nothing wrong”? My guess is he must be as pure as the driven snow.
They have brought this on themselves by not standing up for their constituents. Speaker Johnson has advised them not to hold town hall meetings, and none have voiced their concerns about what is happening to this country.
You opted to remain silent. Those people who voted for this president are now saying, “I did not think it would be this bad!” They are afraid to come out of the tunnels located under the Capitol’s dome.
We can knock our brains against the wall trying to figure out why these people are so afraid of the current administration. The earth spins at 1,000 miles per hour at the equator; maybe Elon can slow it down. Speaking of Elon, were you invited to the Pentagon? Just wondering, you know, with all the government contracts.
Are they all required to receive a dose of ether each morning? Or are their skeletons locked in closets that will reveal something? I just cannot put my finger on it.
The solution may be to unlock the doors and have them all run out the back door, which will be very loud. One could stay behind and say they are just rehearsing for the Halloween parade.
Cutting programs, firing employees by email, ruining people’s lives, and turning the country upside down — deporting people who are here legally and have not committed any crime.
Federal judges are threatened with impeachment if they do not agree with the administration’s decisions.
Look at this fool, the border czar. Big tough guy — “We do not care what the courts say, we are coming anyway.” Before he was appointed to this position, was he the person collecting cans near the border wall? Well, at least it was an honest living.
Our attorney general, oh yes, Bondi, what are you doing up there, huh?
Look at the secretary of state, Marco Rubio (aka Little Marco). Your demeanor has certainly changed. You do not have to pretend to be a tough guy. Leave that to the guy who collects cans at the border wall; he is the one with the big mouth.
Remember Operation Warp Speed during Trump’s first administration? Credit him for getting the COVID-19 vaccines available quickly.
Well, you people who are hiding, your constituents have news for you. They are tired of all your nonsense. The president and Lindsey can say it — you will all be booted out just as fast as warp speed during the midterms and will lose the Senate and the House.
While you are cleaning out your desks, if anyone helping is not of legal age for alcoholic beverages, security will be there to check for any hidden bottles, flasks, or nips.
P.S. Republicans have just demolished their own party. So long, you people.
L. Robert Nadeau