LYNN — Lynn English’s softball team, which went 7-13 last spring behind Coach Ashley Aldred, is back in the swing of things after a week of practices.
Aldred said there weren’t enough kids for a junior varsity team, and all players will be on varsity.
“It’s going well. We’ve got to see a lot of hitting. We’ve been over at the swing factory for a few days, so we got to see everything, which was nice,” she said. “We didn’t have a high number coming out for tryouts this year. We had about 22 kids, so, unfortunately, just one team again for this year.”
Of those 22, Aldred said there were some first-time players looking to develop.
“I have some girls that are sophomores and juniors that haven’t come out before that are pretty athletic, in addition to some athletic and softball-experienced freshmen,” she said.
As a coach, with a handful of new players mixed with some returners, Aldred looks for “basic skills” early on.
“Do they have good hand-eye coordination, especially when they’re up to bat, seeing how their bat-to-ball contact is? If they’re an infielder, I want to make sure their throws are on target,” she said.
The Bulldogs graduated Arianna Laboy, an ace who could reach double-digit strikeouts any given evening.
“We have to look at it like it’s a new season. We’ve had some great games with her and some unbelievable moments throughout her career,” Aldred said. “We have to look at it not as what we lost, but what we can build off from the past.”
This spring, stepping into the circle will be the Johansson sisters.
“Pitching is going to be a big part of Kate’s role this year. Her and her sister, Annika, will be our go-to pitchers,” Aldred said. “Kate will definitely be our No. 1. She throws a lot of strikes, so as long as she can pound the zone and let her defense work behind her, I think we will be in good shape.”
Despite some talent in the rearview mirror, the Lady Bulldogs retain some key players.
“I’m expecting a lot from Kate Johansson, LeaNyah Pineiro, and Gracie Mulloy,” Aldred said. “Freshmen-wise, Jianny Bernabel, who played at Lynn Tech last year when she was in the eighth-grade program, but she’s at Frederick Douglass, so Lynn English is her home school. She’s a strong, solid player, so I’m expecting some big things out of her this year. Annika, as well, I’m expecting to make a jump.
“Amiyah Gibson and Erin Furlong are both freshmen who I’m looking forward to watching develop,” Aldred said. “They played softball growing up their whole lives, so, hopefully, they can put it all together at the high-school level.”
Something Aldred is focused on: seeing how her team does in close games.
“Last year, we won all the games we were supposed to win, but the games that I knew we would compete in, we just couldn’t close it out,” she said. “I’m looking forward to seeing that competitive edge and having them play hard for the 20 games and know each inning is its own. I want them to compete in the games that can go either way and get a couple of those wins for us this time around.”
English’s first game is Monday, April 7 in Revere with first pitch set for 4 p.m.