LTTE: Unitary theory undermines separation
To the editor: The “unitary” theory of the executive department says the President has total power over every personnel decision in the executive branch. (“This... Read more.
LTTE: The Washington D.C. Circus
To the editor: Yes, folks, it’s true, courtesy of Elon Musk. First let me praise Elon for the work he has done on the Space X program, Satellites, Tesla, and... Read more.
LTTE: Spellios is unfit for committee
To the editor: I recently read of the appointment of Mr. Peter Spellios to the Swampscott Town Administrator Search Committee on the Town website. This raises serious... Read more.
LTTE: In opposition to KIPP Academy expansion
To the editor: I was disappointed to find out recently that DESE (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) has decided to move closer to approving an expansion... Read more.
LTTE: Ban pill presses, save lives
To the editor: I’m writing to make your readers aware of two important pieces of proposed legislation at the State House regarding the dangers of pill press machines... Read more.
LTTE: Support for proposed Stocker dog park
To the editor: I am writing to express my support for the proposed Dog Park to be located at Stocker Playground. As a youngster growing up in the area with many... Read more.
LTTE: Stocker playground: no rules apply?
To the editor: As I looked out my window, I saw several Saugus town vehicles clearing the snow from a section of Winter Street. When the beds and buckets were filled,... Read more.
LTTE: Preserve democracy, limit executive power
To the editor: Trump is going to the Supreme Court to argue for his right to fire people without saying why. Either Trump couldn’t find any professional reason... Read more.
LTTE: Vote yes for a cleaner beach
To the editor: Dear Swampscott Select Board, and members of the public, This letter is an attempt to address the questions and concerns that have been raised about... Read more.
LTTE: Billionaire influence threatens democracy
To the editor: Many of us would say, it is big businesses that run the country, and in a sense it does. Large donors who contribute to various government campaigns... Read more.