Charles: If it bleeds, it leads
Are you aware that almost 95 percent of demonstrations for the Black Lives Matter movement have been peaceful? If you watch any of the nightly news programs, or... Read more.

Charles: We are not a monolith
I’m probably seventh or eighth generation American. My 97-year-old mother’s grandfather — which means he was my great-grandfather — was enslaved... Read more.

Cheryl Charles: Is COVID-19 revealing who we are?
Yesterday we put our daughter on a plane, heading back to the midwest for her final year of college. She was nervous, we were (and still are) nervous. And if you’re... Read more.

Charles: Inconvenience is not oppression
For all you non-mask-wearing, don’t-tread-on-me, patriotism-not-tyranny Karens, Kens, Beckys, Chads, and maybe an occasional Tyrone or Tamika (although I haven’t... Read more.

Charles: Tradition, tribute, or tone deafness?
One might say I don’t have a dog in this fight. After all, I’m not a native Saugonian, I didn’t even grow up in this state. And my high school... Read more.

Charles: It’s time we faced our fears
We are now halfway through 2020. What started out as a sad political exercise in obfuscation and obstruction (known nostalgically now as impeachment), has devolved... Read more.

Charles: Let’s reimagine police work
In case you missed it, another black man was shot and killed by police last week. This time, video evidence showed the police officers encountering an apparently... Read more.

Charles: Looters steal more than merchandise
I attended one of Sunday’s peaceful protests in Boston. I went with my daughter and a friend of hers who is studying to become a police officer. We wore the requested... Read more.

Charles: Hell yes, I’m angry. Why aren’t you?
A couple of weeks ago, I got a call on my office voicemail from a local gentleman who was incensed. He had gone to his credit union to deposit some money, and was... Read more.

Charles: It won’t always be like this
When I was about 8½ months pregnant with my now college-aged daughter, I remember one day looking in the mirror, then back at my husband and jokingly (I think)... Read more.