Charles: Tuning out unnecessary noise
A few years and a couple of cars ago, my horn stopped working. Who knew that a car horn works by fuse? Anyway, between the time my mechanic could order the part... Read more.

Charles: Stuck on stupid
Can we please, just stop being stupid? It seems in the past few years, given two choices between wise discernment and profound stupidity, a significant number of... Read more.

Charles: This scandal is beyond disgusting
A woman I’ve known my entire life grew up in coal mining country during the Depression. She was smart, and showed early talent as an artist. She had won a... Read more.

Charles: MIA: Integrity, empathy, common sense
When I was a Sunday School teacher a few years ago, I posed this scenario to my students, who were elementary to junior high-aged — “You didn’t study... Read more.

Charles: Let’s stop giving celebrities a pass on criminal behavior
Apparently, when celebrity and stardom walk in the door, boundaries, red flags, screaming alarm bells, and common sense make a beeline for the window. That’s... Read more.

Charles: That dialogue about race? First, talk among yourselves
Well, this has just been one of the worst celebrations of Black History Month on record. Granted the meager PSAs on television on Harriet Tubman, Dr. Martin Luther... Read more.

Charles: Daily Valentines
Could there be a more angst-ridden, anxiety-producing, made-up holiday than Valentine’s Day? We’ve barely snatched up the last of the marked-down Christmas... Read more.

Charles: Trust? Not until you verify
Last week my husband and I watched both Fyre Festival documentaries, one on Netflix, the other on Hulu. If you’re not familiar with Fyre Festival, it was supposed... Read more.

Charles: We still have not overcome
Let’s get uncomfortable, shall we? We are six days removed from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s actual birthdate, and today marks the national holiday celebrated... Read more.

Charles: Resolutions? How about we keep on keepin’ on
So, it’s the third day of the new year, and people are undoubtedly still asking about your resolutions. And we’ve been talking about all the changes... Read more.