Charles: Sunshine, throwing shade, and tough lessons
Time marches on. It heals all wounds — and wounds all heels. But the one thing time does not do is go backward. Right after we’ve finished with our fa-la-las... Read more.
Charles: Pausing the panic button
I’ve decided that I’m not going to panic this Christmas season. This is the first full week of December and conventional wisdom says now is the time... Read more.
Charles: Put away the stuffing, time for more stuff
It’s Thanksgiving Day, but I’m not going to bore you with a sappy list of all the things I’m thankful for. Although I am eternally grateful for... Read more.
Charles: Let the chewing continue
So, have those waistbands started feeling a little snug yet? No? Well, good. Congratulations on completing the first leg of the longest marathon of the year. We’re... Read more.
Charles: This day was a win
Some days are better than others. And some days, perfectly laid plans fall by the wayside, and we realize that there’s a reason a minor inconvenience changes... Read more.
Charles: Mirror, mirror
I wish this wasn’t true: if you live long enough, you’ll undoubtedly become one of the people you used to make fun of. Remember when you were a kid and... Read more.
Charles: Sexual assault is the ultimate imbalance of power
Fair warning: The story I’m about to tell is about a sexual assault concerning children. And this story has a huge “ick” factor. More than three... Read more.
Charles: Hide and seek
I had to laugh when reading my colleague Bridget Turcotte’s column a few weeks ago about her keto diet. The particular line that caught me was the one about... Read more.
Charles: What makes us happy?
There are bees in my backyard. They are pollinating the wildflowers along my fence, the ones I planted a couple of months ago in hopes of seeing something beautiful... Read more.
Charles: How about a living wage?
Imagine you worked at a job where you never knew how much you would make, day to day, week to week, month to month, or year to year. Every day you pretty much started... Read more.