Letter: We found out what happens when you poke a bear in the eye
To the editor: Tough-talking armchair warriors in the U.S. are advocating a “no-fly zone” over Ukraine. What does that mean? It means that the U.S. war... Read more.

Letter: Correcting the record on a Lynnfield school curriculum
To the editor: The endorsement letter to the editor supporting Lynnfield School Committee candidate Corrie Luongo (Item, Mar. 18) included incorrect information... Read more.

Letter: We need to ask hard questions about recombinant DNA technology
To the editor: On Tuesday night, the Lynn City Council is scheduled to consider a proposed ordinance that would allow for facilities that handle recombinant DNA... Read more.

Letter: Fletcher cares about Swampscott
To the editor: I am writing to provide my unqualified endorsement for MaryEllen Fletcher for a seat on the Swampscott Select Board. Our family has lived in Swampscott... Read more.

Letter: Luongo is committed to more Lynnfield parent involvement
To the editor: I write to explain why we should elect Corrie Luongo to the Lynnfield School Committee. I am an older resident of Lynnfield with no children in... Read more.

Mantell: YMCA of Metro North is evolving
During the pandemic, many American workers took a collective pause to reevaluate what their work means to them. Millions decided that life is too short to risk their... Read more.

Letter: A point of clarification on Lynnfield School Committee mask policy
Editor’s note: On Mar. 12, The Daily Item printed this statement by Lynnfield School Committee Chair Rich Sjoberg: “On Feb. 8, 2022, Superintendent (Kristen)... Read more.

Letter: Thank you, Swampscott, for all you have given me
It is with mixed emotions that I have decided not to seek a third term as a member of the Swampscott Select Board. Between my 12 years on the Zoning Board of Appeals... Read more.

Letter: Public safety progress needed in Lynn
To the editor: Mayor Nicholson is taking positive steps in the right direction in major areas of Lynn. One of these areas that interests me is a new senior center... Read more.

Letter: Let’s not let big money become the new sheriff in town
To the editor: Those who represent the major institutions of society have crossed over with their public pronouncements about our form of government. They speak... Read more.