Letter: When it comes to the Essex District Attorney’s office, it’s time for a change
To the editor: Editor’s note: The Daily Item’s editorial (March 8) offered a positive assessment of state Rep. Paul F. Tucker’s candidacy for District... Read more.

Letter: Sanctions and talk versus action on Ukraine
To the editor: Dear Congressman Moulton: What good are sanctions and talk when Vladimir Putin is killing everyone in the Ukraine and who threatens nuclear war? ... Read more.

Letter: We can all be good neighbors in keeping others warm
To the editor: Close to 1,000 Massachusetts households in need of warmth last winter received energy assistance thanks in part to the generosity of residents throughout... Read more.

Avi Shrivastava: The Russia Ukraine invasion sparks a new refugee crisis
While we have been watching the horror of the Russia-Ukraine war unfold on our televisions for the past week, the real suffering occurs behind the scenes when families... Read more.

Letter: We must call Putin the murderer to account
To the editor: I have children and grandchildren that I love. I am disgusted with what I, and my generation of U.S.A. baby boomers have done to this world during... Read more.

Letter: Appalled about Lynn potholes
To the editor: I am totally appalled at the condition of the potholes on North Common Street in Lynn. So far, I have owned two automobiles in the city and potholes... Read more.

Letter: Wongs deserve respect and consideration on Kowloon request
To the editor: I am responding to a piece that ran in Feb. 16’s Item, “Saugus continues Kowloon discussion.” From all accounts, the Wong family has been... Read more.

Letter: Good riddance to residency
To the editor: I want to thank the Lynn Department of Public Works employees for a job well done during the past two major storms. Secondly, I agree with Mayor Nicholson... Read more.

Letter: A rally call for the Taxpayer Protection Pledge
To the editor: For social-justice reasons, and simply as one of the tens of thousands of registered voters and citizens of this commonwealth, I am writing to openly,... Read more.

L. John Adams: History we would rather forget needs to be studied
This column is prompted by the current debate over how American history should be taught in schools, and in particular, how our racial history should be taught. ... Read more.