Letter: Can Swampscott get harbor dredging money?
To the editor: The Item (Feb. 7) has given coverage to the proposed Swampscott pier project and the concern the commercial fishermen have to the failure of the plan... Read more.

Letter: Legislators can be educators to rebuild national unity
To the editor: There are many details which encourage my belated (only recent couple of years) but now-loyal support of local journalism through a subscription to... Read more.

Answering a question about an enduring challenge
Our answer to the question posed in Sophie Yarin’s story, “A progress report on homelessness; Are we making any?” published in last Friday’s... Read more.

Letter: Sorry isn’t good enough after snow-plowing snafu
To the editor: Editor’s note: The mayor’s office deferred on commenting on the letter writer’s call to the office. I am writing because of a... Read more.

Letter: Residency is a relic from Lynn’s past
To the editor: Editor’s note: Salvy Migliaccio is a former Lynn City Council president. I believe courage is the main quality of leadership. Congratulations... Read more.

Letter: Let’s hire the best to move Lynn forward
To the editor, Lynn has the best people and they should be given preference in hiring. But there are positions that are hard to fill where Lynn applicants don’t... Read more.

Letter: Scrapping Lynn residency rule is a mistake
To the editor: The City of Lynn is making a huge mistake by eliminating the residency requirement to work in the city. We have more than enough qualified candidates... Read more.

Letter: Let’s bring the Grand Army building back to life
To the editor: The recent article in the Daily Item series, “Finding Mary,” has shed some light on the history of the abolitionists and Lynn citizens... Read more.

Aaron Berdofe: Disdain and delays define Swampscott 40B project review
In Swampscott, we currently have two affordable housing projects under consideration. Both have been filed under 40B, a state law created in 1969 which, according... Read more.

Letter: Dredge Swampscott Harbor
To the editor: Fisherman’s Beach and the Fish House and the Fish Pier are not called by those names for nothing. They belong to the fishermen who pay rent... Read more.