View and search obituaries
Obituaries from The Daily Item and Itemlive are now available from 2007 onward are available and can be searched free of charge.
Submitting an obituary
Obituaries can be placed in The Daily Item by going to
You can call 781-593-7700 or email [email protected] with questions about placing an Obituary.
Our business hours are: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. (Deadline to submit for next day publication is 3 p.m.)
All obituary notices in The Daily Item are paid notices. The cost of a notice depends entirely on the length of the notice. There is a minimum charge of $175 for an obituary in the Daily Item. Our web portal will provide a proof and a price for your draft obituary.
Photos are printed in color when possible in the newspaper and are uploaded in color to our online Obituary page. Prepayment is required on all Obituary notices and is taken via credit card on our web portal.