Letter: Show up and vote in Lynnfield on April 12
To the editor: A former coach of mine used to impress this truism on my team before practices and meets: “Character is what you do when no one is watching.”... Read more.

Joe Boncore: Proposed biosafety ordinance would improve economic opportunity in Lynn
We are in the midst of the biggest expansion of the life-sciences industry Massachusetts has ever seen. Significant private investment into our already world-leading... Read more.

Letter: Lynn seniors deserve more than crumbs
To the editor: The City of Lynn has never invested in the residents who are 60 and older. The rental site on Silsbee Street left the senior director to fend for... Read more.

Peter E. Cook: Another take on the taking
The Lynn City Council is preparing to use eminent domain — defined in the Massachusetts Constitution as the taking, with reasonable compensation, of private property... Read more.

Letter: A lost opportunity for leadership
To the editor: On March 15, more than 25 Lynners, some with young children in tow, took time out of their lives to attend the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on... Read more.

Letter: Frustrated with city hearing on Farrar Street development
To the editor: Two weeks ago, we were part of a group of more than 20 Lynn residents who attended a Zoning Board of Appeals hearing about plans for a new building... Read more.

Letter: Lynn fire victim says thank you
To the editor: Hello, my name is Ashley Braswell. I was a resident at 77-79 Chestnut St. in Lynn. I am the mother of Robert Papaluca, 3, and Arianna Papaluca, 2.... Read more.

Letter: Swampscott Tenants Association officers endorse Patsios
To the editor: The Swampscott Senior Tenants Association (SSTA) — whose members include the residents of Swampscott’s 122 public-housing units — strongly recommend... Read more.

Letter: Dick Dalton is committed to Lynnfield
To the editor: On April 12, I am asking that you vote for me to retain my seat on the Select Board. My wife, Carmela, and I moved to Lynnfield 38 years ago. From... Read more.

Letter: Let’s avoid absurdity and talk facts about recombinant DNA
To the editor: I am responding to a piece you ran in The Item’s Mar. 23 edition, “City Council tables rDNA decision.” It was an article about a meeting... Read more.